Something I found interesting recently was the Bush administration's use of "terrorist surveillance" for what the media (and Democrats) were calling "domestic spying."
I once heard a comedian - Bill Maher, I suspect - remark that Republicans were so much better at this sort of semantics game than Democrats - his example was turning the "estate tax" into the "death tax," which would of course turn the Great Unwashed against it, since not everybody has an estate, but everybody dies.
This isn't a partisan thing - I'm a word guy, and I recognize b.s. wordplay when I see it. As somebody used to say in high school or college or somewhere a while back, "Semantics: What do you mean?"
And frankly, the Democrats are often just as guilty - look at Bill Clinton and that whole thing about defining "is." Legally accurate? Maybe. Coherent? Not especially. Bullshit? 100 percent, Grade A.
But man, Bush does this stuff all the time. It's as if his people think everyone is as dumb and smug and ignorant as he is.
(That last statement is a blatant attempt to waste some of Alberto Gonzales' time by getting him to spy on ME. Like putting "liberal" down for politics on
I thought the funniest thing I saw was when he made the remark about how if he wanted it to be secret, he wouldn't have briefed Congress. He was talking at some college in Kansas, and he leaned forward on the podium and smirked like he does...
And no one laughed.
So he leaned forward a little more. And smirked a little harder. And that's when the polite laughter/applause began.
Yeah, because the idea that Big Brother is listening is so funny, eh?
Look, I'm all for anything that stops terrorists dead. But if this crew was really hell-bent on stopping terrorists, wouldn't we have captured Osama bin Laden and not Saddam Hussein? We're busy promoting Democracy in Iraq, and he's still sending tapes to Al Jazzeera. A 6-foot-5 bearded man on dialysis. How hard can he be to find? Ever see somebody 6-foot-5? Tough to miss.
And really, the victory of Hamas in the Palestinian elections - how will the "spreading Democracy" administration react? So far, not well. But hey, sometimes you get stuck with the party you have, not the party you want.
Dubya could ask the liberals - and plenty of moderates - how that feels. Or he could just listen in when they complain to each other on the phone.
• Bush in Kansas, talking about spying, or whatever
• More Bush on spying, or whatever
• A domestic "oops" moment
• And a Middle East "oops" moment
And hey, as a Raiders fan, am I the only one who sees absolutely nothing wrong with this? Serves the little twerp right. And I especially like that the teacher isn't putting up with the kid's crap. Striking a blow against the wussification of America. And the Broncos.
Weeeeird dream
5 days ago
I think that teacher was right on.
"If he felt uncomfortable, then that's a lesson; that's what (the class) is designed to do," Kelly told The Denver Post. "It was silly fun. I can't believe he was upset."
That teacher rocks.
"But man, Bush does this stuff all the time. It's as if his people think everyone is as dumb and smug and ignorant as he is."
Well, the MAJORITY is clearly as dumb and ignorant as he is...he got put back in office after a horrendous first term. My opinion of this country's people went down immensely after that(and it was pretty low to start with)
And frankly, the Democrats are often just as guilty - look at Bill Clinton and that whole thing about defining "is." Legally accurate? Maybe. Coherent? Not especially. Bullshit? 100 percent, Grade A.
I remember when that whole "It depends on what your definition of 'is' is" bullshit went down, I thought "I really hope that quote ends up in Bartlett's.
I got my wish -- it's in the latest edition! Serves him right.
I mean, I voted for Hill Billy Boy (twice), and I would have taken eight more years of him over the Current President and his Curren Administration, but still.
When the Democrats wonder why they're perennial losers, they can look at the comments. Clinton lied... maybe... and got impeached. Bush lied... maybe... and got re-elected.
Wait... can you say "re-elected" when he was never actually elected the first time? What is the proper word for that? As an editor, do you know?
The only word I can think of for such an occurance is "bushwhacked".
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