Today's story is about blog-vergence, as it were.
Stewie came up to visit for the (as usual, dreadfully crowded and disorganized) Chiller Theatre convention the other day. We do this from time to time, despite the fact that every time we go to Chiller, we vow it's our last.
However, this was the first time the Stew's been up since we began our blogstalking misadventures, and thus his first opportunity to meet his Bizarro World alter-ego, The Lesley.
Me being the adventurous soul that I am, I figured, why not get as many of my favorite blog-types together as possible?
So I ordered some desserts from Jin. That's them up at the top.
And, might I say, after months of sadly pondering the photos of her "food porn," when I finally got to eat some, it was worth the wait.
There were raspberry brownies, berry crumble bars, the famed mint "Oreos," peanut butter cookies and more. Munkees like berries!
The Lesley got the nut cookies, Stewie got the molasses cookies, and me and the Stew pretty much scarfed down as much as we could on the weekend.
The co-workers got the rest (as pictured above), and while it's true that journalists will eat anything, there were many spontaneous remarks of "delicious!" and a few obscene words muttered my way by those trying - and failing - to watch the calories.
Frankly, not being a regular sweet-eater, I ate so much I felt thoroughly bloated, so was forced to share, lest it go to waste. I don't think I'll eat anything with sugar for at least a few days, if not weeks.
But for those of you with a sweet tooth, order something from Jin. Tastes as good as it looks. (The food, I mean; can't speak for Jin.) And she ships!
So, the blog-vergence total:
• Stewie: Present
• The Lesley: Present
• Me: Present
• Jin: Present, in the form of dessert
• Real: Present in spirit, at least
Not bad, for a get-away day lunch.
And now for a few asides, blog-related:
First of all, I've been experiencing technical difficulties for days, so this is the first I've actually been able to post. I apologize for the delay in food porn, though you may not have realized what you were missing. Blogger apparently had some issues, then there were some issues on my end, which were of course solved by the magic of writing to tech support. As soon as I hit the send button, presto! Everything worked again. Of course. Ain't that the way of the world?
Second, as some of you may realize, in about 14 hours (give or take), it's National Novel Writing Month. And I'm going for it. That may result in a reduced amount of blogging for November. Of course, every time I say, "hey, I'm going to be busy, don't mind the lack of postage," I wind up writing like a dozen posts in a week. But really, if I've got to churn out something like 1,750 words of fiction per day, and work, and sleep, and eat, etc., there may not be a whole lot of time for other pursuits.
But, as is the motto of my novel-writing adventure, "What the hell, you only live once." So I've got to go for it. Apologies in advance.
Weeeeird dream
5 days ago
Good luck on the writing.
I have not completely decided if I am going to try it. I have other things coming up in November that will use up a bunch of my time.
Like I have two major exams in Economics :(
I also have a trip to Jersey land :)
And if there was a way I could of been there to help you eat those cookies I would most certainly have done so.
*jin squeals with delight!*
I'm soooo glad you enjoyed them!
Thank you for the advertising, too!
Oh! AND:
"But for those of you with a sweet tooth, order something from Jin. Tastes as good as it looks. (The food, I mean; can't speak for Jin.)"
That's a pretty damn good pic, brother.
And those rasberry brownies and peanutbutter cookies were kick ass!
uhh rasperry brownies I need to be sure to include them in my next order from Jin. Mhh I can't wait.
Did you know that monkey is the eight most common password on the internets.
Now back to writing your great novel.
PS, have you considered posting it to your blog as you write it or perhaps parts of it.
Just a thought.
Back to work now.
It's not my password!
And yes, I considered posting my novel to my blog, but I opted against it for a couple of reasons. One is copyright, the other is pride. If it's quantity over quality, it will need hella revising before it's even remotely readable.
2,000 words so far, and most of them suck.
OMG! I wanted to do this... I missed a few days I am going to do it though!!!! Thanks for the heads up!
Oh and I headed over from Crystals blog because you cracked me the hell up with your response... just thought you should know where the weird "white girl" came from! LOL
Oh and the porn man... not cool, not cool at all! One of my other favorite blogs had pictures of cupcakes today! I am not sure WHAT is going on in the blog world but I am fairly certian that you all are out of ruin my current wt. loss program! LOL
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