In another moment of blatant shilling for HorrorTalk, I should mention the administrators, in all their tongue-in-cheek wisdom, have gifted me with my very own forum:
The online dating forum.
Now, as you may recall from earlier posts, I managed to get some dates from some online dating sites, and I made the tactical error of mentioning this as part of a discussion (not started by me) on whether or not another member should try online dating.
So, unlike the time I lived in the same area as a lawyer with the same name, and yet never got the opportunity (via wrong phone number) to dispense any free legal advice, I have begun giving advice for the lovelorn.
My qualifications include an ex-fiancee (bet you don't have one of those!), a creative writing degree and goes-without-saying ability to bullshit, and one very strange sexual experience that is best not discussed on a site read by both my parents and some co-workers.
And, at last, the shilling:
Got a question about love, relationships or sex that needs to be answered? Ask the Hitman!
In the spirit of the Flyers' home, the former "F.U. Center," I've dubbed it the OD Forum. Want to see it? Join HorrorTalk, and talk some horror!
• HorrorTalk, home of the bestest forum ever!
• The Wachovia Complex, home of the Wachovia Center, which was the First Union (F.U.!) Center and before that was the Corestates Center.
Witty repartee, such as that I often insert here, can be very attractive to women, many of whom say, or at least lie, that a sense of humor is most important to them.
Yes, that's the kind of advice/information I'm dispensing. Make of it what you will.
Weeeeird dream
5 days ago
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