I managed to wipe out my Facebook page while trying to create one for work.
So if you were my friend, check and see if you still are. If you aren't, and you haven't gotten a friend request, go send me one.
Weeeeird dream
4 days ago
Rants, raves and vaguely intellectual musings on life, the universe and everything. • Journalism, sports and movies with things that go "Boom!" • Reading, writing and as little 'rithmetic as humanly possible. • Surveys galore about me-me-me. • Plus the Civil War. And monkeys.
... my job on the desk that night was as a "rim" editor, which meant I edited stories, made any trims in length necessary, and wrote headlines and cutlines ...
~ The UT-Austin archives
I managed to wipe out my Facebook page while trying to create one for work.
So if you were my friend, check and see if you still are. If you aren't, and you haven't gotten a friend request, go send me one.
Made up by Ace at 5:01:00 PM 0 rants/retorts
File under: Mental State, random